Galway County Council has developed and delivered a Household Hazardous Waste Prevention…
Dun Laoghaire Rathdown (DLR) County Council has worked on a project to…
Limerick City & County Council have carried out a Crèche/Childcare facility Waste…
Galway County Council, with support from Tuam Community Council and Tuam Tidy…
Kilkenny County Council has produced a directory of repair and reuse services in…
Westmeath and Offaly local authorities cooperated to produce a joint project on…
The Waterford City and County Council LAPN project in 2015 focused on…
Roscommon County Council has organised a Social Reuse Enterprise Workshop facilitated by…
Mayo County Council has distributed free reusable water bottles to all secondary…
Meath County Council has implemented a project preventing food waste, based around…
The Limerick City and County Council LAPN 2015 project built upon Limerick’s…
Roscommon County Council has taken out a series of adverts on food…
Cork County Council has hosted eight compost awareness & food waste prevention…
Tipperary County Council ‘greened’ the Fleadh Cheoil na Mumhan in Nenagh, from…