A summary of the Local Authority Prevention Demonstration (LAPD) Programme from 2006 – 2009 has now been published. The Programme, which was supported by the Environmental Protection Agency as part of the National Waste Prevention Programme (NWPP), demonstrated a wide range of successful projects involving 14 local authorities. These have improved resource efficiency (waste, water and energy) practices in local businesses, communities and within the local authorities themselves, with significant cost savings.
Click here to download the full report.
Click here to see a quick infographic of the results for LAPD and LAPN.
The report highlights the sucesses of the programme over a four year period, whereby local authorities undertook ambitious actions across a range of sectors including:
- Public Administration
- Business
- Communities
- Farms
- Schools and 3rd level institutions
- Healthcare
- Retail
- Hospitality and Tourism
Cost savings included:
- Direct cost savings: > €873,000 per annum
- Waste prevented/diverted: > 2,300 tonnes pre annum
- Water consumption reduced: > 37,5000 tonnes per annum
- Energy reduction: > 1,530,000 kWh per annum
More than 2,500 people participated in LAPD, with 300 audits and 26 people were trained in Waste and Resource Use Prevention.
The capacity built up within local authorities, and the ability and experience of the personnel involved, can ensure successful development of future resource efficiency programmes within Ireland. Indeed, Irish local authorities can now be regarded as leaders in this respect.