The National Waste Prevention Programme has organised a workshop on Community Based Social Marketing for all those involved in NWPP programmes and projects and other proponents of sustainability in Ireland. This was held in the GHA gold award winner St. Helen’s Radisson Hotel Stillorgan, Dublin on October 18th and 19th, 2010.
The two day workshop was presented by a world leader in this field, the Canadian, Dr. Doug McKenzie-Mohr. For over twenty years Dr McKenzie-Mohr, an environmental psychologist, has been incorporating and delivery of community programs. He is the founder of community-based social marketing — an approach to delivering environmental behavioural change programs that is used throughout the world.
The workshop was very well attended by many of the sustainability practitioners in Ireland from a wide spread of programmes, organizations and affiliations such as: Local Authority Prevention Network; Local Authority Environmental Awareness Officers; Green Business Programme; €concertive; Green Hospitality Programme; An Taisce; Packaging Prevention Programme; Green Healthcare Programme; Environmental Protection Agency – Resource Use Unit; Comhar – Sustainable Development Council; Dingle Corca Dhuibhne Glas Project; Clean Technology Centre; Department of Environment Heritage & Local Government; Enterprise Ireland; rx3 – rethink, recycle, remake; Freetrade Ireland website; Green Communities Network; Ballynagran Zero Carbon Community Project; Cleaner Greener Production Programme et alia.
To learn more about Community Based Social Marketing click here
To see some photos from the event click here to go to our Flickr Site.