Mountbellew Active Age and Galway County Council have organised A Waste Prevention and Home Composting Workshop as part of Galway County Councils Waste Prevention Programme.
The aim of the workshop was to assist participants gain additional knowledge on waste prevention thus allowing them implement improved environmental practices and becoming more resource efficient in the home.
The workshop was held in the Mountbellew Community Centre on 29 May 2013 and the following topics were covered: waste prevention; food waste prevention; home composting and general good environmental practices.
A presentation was delivered followed by a Q&A Session:
- Waste Prevention and Home Composting – Sinéad Ní Mhainnín, Environmental Awareness Officer, Galway County Council
The event was well attended and greatly appreciated by all the participants.
Further information from:
Sinéad Ní Mhainnín, Galway County Council
Email: snimhain@galwaycoco.ie
Tel: 091 – 509 510