Kilkenny Local Authorities host Food Waste Workshop

Advert for Food Waste Seminar KK2010Kilkenny Local Authorities have organised a food waste workshop for companies in premises which were impacted by the introduction of the Waste Management (Food Waste) Regulations.

Auditing assistance was provided and, as a result, a local nursing home underwent a kitchen waste audit to assist them in identifying food waste prevention measures.

The workshop was held on August 23rd, 2010 in The Hotel Kilkenny, College Rd, Kilkenny City

As part of the workshop, two presentations were made:

  • Percy Foster by Cre on the new regulations and
  • Bernadette Moloney, Environmental Awareness Officer on food waste prevention opportunities

Further information from:

Bernadette Moloney, Kilkenny County Council


Tel: 056 7794470