Household Waste Management Behaviour Survey in Tarbert

survey tarbertKerry County Council and the Regional Waste Management Office for Limerick Clare Kerry, with support from Tarbert Development Association, have carried out a Waste Management Behaviour Survey in Tarbert.

20 households spread across the community participated in the project which took place between June and August 2012.

The project focused on gathering information from households on the waste produced over the selected time period. The information was collected through the use of surveys, informal discussions with householders and by making observations & weighing bins.

The survey showed that while Tarbert households produced less waste than the national average (500kg compared to 850kg), two thirds of the material presented was residual waste, and only one third recyclable materials.

When the bins were weighed there ware several opportunities apparent to improve the recycling rate through better segregation, rinsing of soiled packaging etc.

The survey looked at residual waste, recycling, food waste and composting.


The full results of the survey can be downloaded here.


For further information contact:

Pauline McDonogh

Regional Waste Prevention Co-ordinator

Southern Region Waste Management Office

Tel: 061 496844/0872755538


Mícheál Ó Coileáin, Kerry County Council


Tel: 087 419 8617