Galway City and County Councils Green Business Promotion Initiative

Galway City and County Councils’ Green Business Promotion Initiative is based on creating awareness of the importance of waste prevention, food waste prevention and resource efficiency amongst the SME sector and will involve two elements.

Firstly, it is intended to deliver a Green Business Seminar as a joint initiative in conjunction with Galway County Council focusing on waste prevention and resource efficiency at SME level. The event will take place in September 2017 and has a target attendance of 200 delegates.

The second part of this initiative will involve liaising with SME representatives and associations including local Chambers of Commerce, Local Enterprise Offices and representative organisations. Promoting existing structures to deliver Green Business such as will also be included in this initiative.

Deliverables from both elements will include increased levels of awareness of prevention and resource efficiency, levels of information required to successfully deliver behavioural change and also an analysis of preferred/most appropriate methods of delivery.

In addition the active promotion of participation in the Green Business programme is an underlying element of this initiative.