As part of the National Waste Prevention Programme, Dublin City Council are assisting the organisers of the 2014 Bloom Festival with greening initiatives.

Bloom 2014 is taking place in the Phoenix Park Dublin over the June bank holiday weekend, from Thursday 29th May until Monday 2nd June 2014. Bloom 2013 was the 7th year of the event and continues to attract thousands upon thousands of people every year. Bloom 2013 attracted over 110,000 to the 70 acre site at the Visitor’s Centre in the Phoenix Park, Dublin. Click here to learn more about Bloom 2014.
To help Bloom Festival 2014 go green, Dublin City Council and the organisers are planning to implement the following measures:
- Provide segregated bins for general, recyclable and in particular food waste at prime locations throughout the site.
All food stall holders will be encouraged to use compostable consumables in particular cups and plates.
- Exhibitors of show gardens will be encouraged to segregate exhibits when the event closes in an environmentally sound manner.
Dublin City Council is also sponsoring a garden at the show on the theme of preventing food waste.
This year a major step in extending its green credentials will be ensuring that food waste & packaging will be composted. All food vendors will be using certified compostable packaging. As a result, all food service packaging can be placed in the “food waste & compostable” bins located around the grounds. This waste will be commercially composted and used in landscaping.
A showgarden focusing on food waste has been commissioned.
To ensure Bloom 2014 is as ‘waste’ friendly as possible, this year the event is introducing a three bin system, to allow segregation of waste by visitors at the festival. There will be 1 bin for food & compostable packaging waste, 1 bin for recyclables and 1 bin for general waste. There will be 10 bin stations across the show grounds.
This year the Envinronmental Protection Agency in conjunction with Dublin City Council & the Clean Technology Centre are launching a National Food Waste Prevention Initiative at the Festival.
For further information on the Greening of Bloom 2014 contact:
Sandra Smith
Waste Management Division
Dublin City Council
Tel: 01-2224562