Green Festival Kit for Small Local Festivals
Prevention for Community GroupsWestmeath County Council has been developing a Green Festival Kit for small, local festivals in conjunction with Galway County Council. This has built on work greening festivals done under both LAPN and by the Regional Waste Management Offices. While COVID-19 has interrupted this work, it is hoped that once festivals are back up and running in the future, this initiative can be trialed with some small, local festivals.
The kit includes material that can be used by a festival to help green their event, including, a short overall guide for greening a festival, a charter for the festival itself, a charter for local businesses and a charter for stallholders with steps they might take for greening their operations. Also included are bin signs and waste area signage; green tips for festival goers; green tips for accommodation providers; and litter-free signs.
The kit can be shared with other local authorities for use in other regions. Versions of the materials in Irish are available here.