Repair and reuse of our stuff keeps material in circulation for longer, preventing the need for new products to be produced. The sector provides valuable employment in the Irish economy, reducing the need for importation of goods. Though much emphasis is placed on recycling, repair and reuse of materials is an important form of waste prevention.
Repair and reuse extends the life cycle of products and challenges the culture of disposable stuff, particularly in relation to household consumer goods. In Ireland, material streams that are currently being reused include: clothing and textiles, furniture, bicycles, paint, food, waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), mattresses, toys, books, games and to a lesser degree, construction and demolition materials. Through LAPN, organisations and initiatives which engage in this activity are supported and promoted.

Some of the initiatives include:
Musical Instrument Reuse.
Repair Directory For Tipperary.
Carlow Pride of Place– Repair and Reuse Competition.

See below to find out more about these initiatives