Reducing single use plastics at Sandyford Business Park
Prevention for Local AuthoritiesDun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council carried out a project to promote the reduction of single use plastic items (SUPs) in the Sandyford Business District. The focus was on businesses that were interested in making changes to their procurement and use of SUPs. This involved initial assessments with a number of companies in the district, actions to reduce single use plastics, and dissemination of results. The work was carried out in conjunction with NoSUP Town and the Sandyford Business Improvement District (BID) CLG.
Some of the actions implemented by the businesses included developing and implementing a SUPs policy; installing mains-fed water fonts replacing bottled water dispensers across a training campus; an assessment of SUPs on incoming products and potential alternatives; the replacement of single use plastic water cups and coffee cups; as well as measures around the event management of the 2019 Sandyford Business Awards. Information on the businesses involved is available here.