During 2013 Monaghan County provided a small amount of funding to two Tidy Towns groups to develop a garden that would utilise waste as a central planting feature of the garden.
Both groups have made some progress and work is continuing to ensure both gardens are completed during 2014.
Both tidy towns group worked in partnership with an allotment group and a gardening group to help with the project. One group has further developed their project and are now working on a water harvesting project with an adjoining community hall.
From a waste prevention point of view both projects have the potential to raise awareness of waste prevention in the community, to encourage up cycling of potential waste as well as providing a good project for Tidy Towns to get involved in.
And the gardens look great!

For more information contact:
Nial O’Connor, Environment Section, Monaghan County Council, MTEK 11, Armagh Rd, Monaghan.
tel: 047 30556 or 0872283466.
email: noconnor@monaghancoco.ie